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Family VBS


The wise man will have built his house upon the rock of Jesus’s words. The foolish man will have built his house on the sands of the world (Matthew 7:24-27).

The heart of this family VBS is to enable parents to come along side their children  to help them mature into Christlikeness.


Kids discover that God’s Word is not like the shifting sands of popular belief that can change as quickly as a wave washing away a sandcastle. They will discover that God’s truth is immovable, unchanging and worth building one’s life upon.


Our prayer is that parents will feel fully equipped and supported during this time to help their children see God's greatness and begin to plant a desire in them to love His Word.

When: Monday July 22 - Wednesday July 24
What Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm
What Ages: 4yrs-5th Grade (Nursery will be available)
What will a night look like: From the time your family checks in, the guardians and children will participate with each other through three rotations. 1.Bible Study/Small Group 2.Craft Time 3.Game Time. We will end the night with a big family dinner for everyone!


Day 1: Truth comes from God. Bible story: Satan tricked Adam and Eve.
  • Some people say: “Truth can be different for different people.”

  • God says: “Truth comes from Me.”


Day 2: God’s plan is best. Bible story: Daniel chose God’s way.

  • Some people say: “Do what makes you happy.”

  • God says: “My plan for you is even better.”


Day 3: Speak the truth in love. Bible story: Paul encouraged the Ephesians.

  • Some people say: “If you don’t agree with me, you don’t love me.”

  • God says: “Speak the truth in love.”


What if parents can't make it: If a parent/guardian absolutely cannot come with their child we will have church members who would love to come along side the kids and walk with them through the VBS

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